How to correctly use a baby wrap?

baby wrapBabywearing is a way of soothing babies and reducing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Babies love the comfort of being held close where they can hear and feel the voice, heartbeat, and breathing of their parents. Wearing a baby in a wrap feels like being pregnant again and you can feel your baby safe and close.

A baby sling is a piece of cloth that is used to carry the baby. It is made with soft cotton of different sizes. Learning how to use a baby wrap is very easy. Using a wrap is very simple but needs a bit of practice to ensure your baby’s safety.

When are slings useful?

Slings are useful anytime of the day you want to carry your baby for an extended period of time. Babies need lots of physical contacts. Carrying your baby in a sling promotes healthy hip development for baby, hands-free breastfeeding, and even weight distribution while carrying your baby.

How do you use a wrap?

Wraps are used in similar ways. A heart to heart hold ensures that the wearer can see the face of her baby all the time. Bring the long wrap forward from back to front and crisscrossed over your hip then tie.

What is the best baby sling?

You must choose a sling that fits your budget, your lifestyle, and needs. There is no right way how to use a baby wrap because each parent is unique and a way to wear it is a reflection of that. It is recommended that you choose a wrap that could make your baby feel comfortable and safe.

A baby wrap with an ASTM certificate will be the best choice since it will ensure that the wrap you are using passed international safety standards.

How to put on a baby wrap?

This may look complicated but it will only take six steps to correctly use a baby wrap.

  • Hold both ends of the wrap outstretched as high as your navel and bring the sides around your back.
  • Form a crisscross over your back and try not to twist the ends
  • Make a knot under the mid-section and pull them through to tighten
  • Pull the ends down until it is snuggling against your body.
  • Take the two ends and cross them over in the front and then to the back.
  • Tie the ends securely in front or on the side.

There is nothing more important than having your baby in your arms. Babies are dependent when it comes to their nourishment, comfort, and care but the tasks and errands bought by every day is very demanding. Baby mothers accomplish these tasks by wearing the baby in the wrap. Some parents are worried that the babies who are worn constantly are always crying for attention. The truth is, babies who are constantly worn are silent and at peace.

A happy baby is always quite and alert all the time. Babywearing is always associated with infants but toddlers can also use wraps and slings. The world we live can be scary for babies so hold them close to you to make them feel confident, loved, and secured. 

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